I thought this was Important. The first three of four births I attended were Cesarean births.
April is Cesarean Awareness Month - Spread the News
"Desirre Andrews CCCE, LCCE, CLD, CLE"
Wed Apr 2, 2008 7:11 am (PDT)
Please blog about it - Get the word out! April is Cesarean Awareness Month
What is Cesarean Awareness Month? An internationally recognized month of
awareness about the impact of cesarean sections on mothers, babies, and
families worldwide. It's about educating yourself to the pros and cons of
major abdominal surgery and the possibilities for healthy birth afterwards
as well as educating yourself for prevention of cesarean section.
Cesarean awareness is for mothers who are expecting or who might choose to
be in the future. It's for daughters who don't realize what choices are
being taken away from them. It's for scientists studying the effects of
cesareans and how birth impacts our lives. It's for grandmothers who won't
be having more children but are questioning the abdominal pains and
adhesions causing damage 30 years after their cesareans.
CESAREANS are serious. There is no need for a 'catchy phrase' to tell us
that this is a mainstream problem. It affects everyone. One in three
American women every year have surgery to bring their babies into the world.
These women have lifelong health effects, impacting the families that are
helping them in their healing, impacting other families through healthcare
costs and policies, and bringing back those same lifelong health effects to
the children they bring into this world.
Be aware. Read. Learn. Ask questions. Get informed consent. Be your own
advocate for the information you need to know.
What is Cesarean Awareness Month? An internationally recognized month of
awareness about the impact of cesarean sections on mothers, babies, and
families worldwide. It's about educating yourself to the pros and cons of
major abdominal surgery and the possibilities for healthy birth afterwards
as well as educating yourself for prevention of cesarean section.
Cesarean awareness is for mothers who are expecting or who might choose to
be in the future. It's for daughters who don't realize what choices are
being taken away from them. It's for scientists studying the effects of
cesareans and how birth impacts our lives. It's for grandmothers who won't
be having more children but are questioning the abdominal pains and
adhesions causing damage 30 years after their cesareans.
CESAREANS are serious. There is no need for a 'catchy phrase' to tell us
that this is a mainstream problem. It affects everyone. One in three
American women every year have surgery to bring their babies into the world.
These women have lifelong health effects, impacting the families that are
helping them in their healing, impacting other families through healthcare
costs and policies, and bringing back those same lifelong health effects to
the children they bring into this world.
Be aware. Read. Learn. Ask questions. Get informed consent. Be your own
advocate for the information you need to know.